Théorie des Champs Quantiques 1
Topic outline
University: Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana
Faculty: Science of Matter and Computer Science
Department: physics
Speciality: theoretical physics
Level: Master 1
Module: Quantum Field Theory I
Credit: 06
Unit: Fundamental.
Coefficient: 3.
Timetable: 1h30 min, 3 sessions per week (2 lectures and 1 TD)
Teacher responsible for the course: Dr. FERMOUS Rachid.
Grade: MCA
Assessment method:
The final assessment is carried out through:
- Assessment of tutorials: which represents 33% (12 points for presentations, 5 points for attendance and 3 points for participation).
- A table-top final exam: which accounts for 67% of the final mark, and which covers everything you have seen in this course during the semester.
To pass. -
To pass the module, you must have an overall average of at least 10 out of 20.