Algorithms and Data Structures 1
Topic outline
Level: 1st Year Mathematics (L1-Math).
Semester: 1
Subject: Algorithms and Data Structure 1 (ADS-1).
Unit: Fundamental 2
Credit: 06
Coefficient: 04
Lecturer: Noureddine AZZOUZA
- Present all the basic concepts of algorithms.
- Give the essential elements allowing you to understand a problem, analyze and solve it with a clear algorithm.
- Manipulate basic/static data structures.
- Become familiar with C programming language and its development environments
The Weekly Volume of this course "ADS-1" in hours is as follows:
- Lecture : 2 sessions
- Supervised work : 1 session
- Practical work : 2 sessions
Therefore, the student must practice the concepts learned in the course and the tutorial as much as possible.
The evaluation of the subject will be as follows:
- Lecture : ------> Final Exam
- SW : ----------> 2 / 3 Written tests
- PW : ----------> TP test + homework
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Simple Sequential Algorithm
- Structure of an algorithm
- Objects: Constants, Variables and Types
- Basic actions
- The assignment
- Expressions: arithmetic, logical and relational
- Inputs/outputs: reading and writing
- Representation of an algorithm by a flowchart
- Translation into programming language: Pascal and C
Chapter 3: Conditional structures
- Introduction
- Simple conditional structure: The conditional
- Compound conditional structure: The alternative
- Multiple choice conditional structure
- Nested conditional structure
Chapter 4: Iteration Structures : Loops
- Introduction
- the “For” loop
- the “While” loop
- the “Repeat” loop
- Nested loops
Chapter 5: Static Data Structure
- Introduction
- Arrays
- One-dimensional arrays: vectors
- Two-dimensional arrays: matrices
- Strings
- Records
Bibliographic References
Exam Subjects with Answers
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Introduction to Algorithmics
- Structure of an algorithm
- Objects: Constants, Variables and Types
- Basic actions
- The assignment
- Expressions: arithmetic, logical and relational
- Inputs/outputs: reading and writing
- Representation of an algorithm by a flowchart
- Translation into programming language: Pascal and C
- Introduction
- Simple conditional structure: The conditional
- Compound conditional structure: The alternative
- Multiple choice conditional structure
- Nested conditional structure
- Introduction
- the “For” loop
- the “While” loop
- the “Repeat” loop
- Nested loops
- Introduction
- Arrays
- One-dimensional arrays: vectors
- Two-dimensional arrays: matrices
- Strings
- Records
References in French :
- Initiation à l'algorithmique et à la programmation en C - cours avec 129 exercices corrigés (Rémy Malgouyres, Rita Zrour, Fabien Feschet - Dunod)
- Programmer en langage C- Cours et exercices corriges, 5e edition (Claude Delannoy - EYROLLES)
- Algorithmique & Programmation en langage C - vol.1 - Cours (Damien Berthet, Vincent Labatut)
- Algorithmique & Programmation en langage C - vol.2 - Sujets (Damien Berthet, Vincent Labatut)
- Algorithmique & Programmation en langage C - vol.3 - Corrigés (Damien Berthet, Vincent Labatut)
- Apprendre et enseigner l'algorithmique - Tome 1 Cours et annexes (Djamel Eddine ZEGOUR)
- Apprendre et enseigner l'algorithmique - Tome 2 Sujets d’examen corrigés (Djamel Eddine ZEGOUR)
References in English:
- Introduction to Algorithms - 3rd edition (Thomas H. Cormen)
- The Algorithm Design Manual - 3rd edition (Steven S. Skiena)
- Algorithms - 4th edition (Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne)